Voter Education & Mobilization

2020 is a critical electoral year that has material implications for communities of color, poor and working people, immigrants, queer and transgender communities, and many others. What happens in 2020 will also dramatically shape the organizing landscape for our movement over the next decade.

The turnout and persuasion of white voters—particularly, but not exclusively, working-class white voters living in rural communities—is a key part of the struggle to defeat Trump in 2020, to elect progressives across the country, and to build the lasting political power needed to advance racial justice at the state and local level. This is because poor and working class communities are the most likely to have a stake in economic justice, and to see the links between economic and racial justice.

Alongside our partners at Showing Up for Racial Justice, we are well positioned to play a meaningful role in breaking off a piece of the right’s voter base in strategic states, contribute to winning local victories that will reshape the criminal justice system, and build power and infrastructure that will help lay the groundwork for racial and economic justice victories for years to come.

Between now and the November election, CPHJ will will be calling thousands of voters. 

Join us at SURJ phone banks on Sep. 19 & 24, Oct. 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 24 & 29, Nov. 1, 2 & 3 by registering here.